Leonid – Keep It Deep Guest Mix

Es ist – schon wieder – Freitag. Ich blicke zurück auf eine Woche die mit so kraftraubender und zeitintensiver Arbeit erfüllt war wie kaum eine andere zuvor. Dies als kurze Erklärung für die nur sehr eingeschränkte Blogger-Aktivität, denn wie heisst es so schön: everyday business first!

Dafür gibt es zur Einstimmung auf das Wochenende einen Podcast eines DJs und Produzenten, dessen Schaffenswerk ich zum aller ersten Mal in einem Mix des New Yorkers Fred P a.k.a. Black Jazz Consortium für – ja – Little White Earbuds begegnet bin. “Sadim” hiess der Track, und sein klassisch analoger, direkter Sound traf mich direkt ins Herz. Es ist eines dieser Stücke, bei dem man das Gefühl hat, beim Anwerfen der alten Maschinen, lassen wir sie der schönen Stimmung wegen aus dem Hause Roland kommen, unmittelbar dabei zu sein. Herzschlag gleich klopfende, schroffe Beats, schroffe, und dennoch nicht kaltherzige Bässe, sowie eine rauhe Synthesizer-Melodie mit dennoch sanftem Kern zeichnet “Sadim” aus, nur dass eine Musik wie diese für einmal nicht im Hinterhof eines bauffälligen Hauses der vielzitierten D-Town entstanden ist, sondern in einem Land, das wir vielmehr mit melodischer, teilweise gar pastoral klingender Folksmusik in Verbindung bringen: Irland.

Von dieser grünen Insel nämlich stammt Paul Smith alias Leonid, der Urheber von “Sadim“. Was es zu seiner Person zu sagen gibt, erfahrt ihr im folgenden Teil, bleibt an dieser Stelle noch ein Hinweis: Paul Smith alias Leonid hat vor kurzem eine Mix-Compilation für das im vorigen Blog-Eintrag bereits erwähnte Label Statik Entertainment eingespielt, und zwar die Deepentertained (The Mix), eine Werkschau anlässlich des 15jährigen Bestehens des Labels. Diese ist, genauso wie sein Podcast hier, definitiv worth to check!

1. Dear Paul, would you like to introduce yourself?

My name is Paul Smith, i’m 31 years old living in Dublin but originally from Waterford in the south east of Ireland.

2. When did your initial music spark ignite?

I got into dj’ing first when i was in secondary school, i was around 15. Myself and my twin brother, Alan, were buying a lot of cds at the time with our lunch money so we bought cd turntables first. We went hungry but it paid off when we could afford a Pioneer CDJ 500. After a couple of years though we moved on to Technics and that was how it all started.

3. Who and what was your most important influence? Who and what is it nowadays?

It’s hard to say what and who was “the” most important. I see it as a collective influence, like going to my local House and Techno nights in Waterford which were called Can’t Stop, the legendary Sir Henry’s in Cork to the D1 Recordings nights in Dublin later on, and of course all those resident dj’s who were playing during those years would have had a hand in it as well. I was talking to Mark Broom years ago at a gig in the Kitchen in Dublin, around the time of Angie is a Shoplifter and i asked his advice on what to buy to start producing to which he simply replied, “Get an MPC and a Bass Station”.

4. How would you describe your own style?

All sorts but i’ve always been a big fan of the likes of Out to Lunch, Lowtec, Move D, Baby Ford, Mark Broom, Source and of course the first time i heard of Sistrum Recordings. Aesthetic Audio is also one of my current favourite labels around.

5. You recently released a 12″ for the very looked-at and renowned label Sistrum Recordings. How did you get in touch with Patrice Scott, the label owner?

Patrice picked up my Statik Entertainment records in Hamburg and he contacted me. I was delighted to put it mildly.

6. Did you ever expect that you would have an EP on a Detroit based record label?

I didn’t expect to have a release on any label nevermind a Detroit label. It’s
just nice to get some recognition and it’s a real confidence boost. I’m sure there are loads of people who are really good producers who don’t push the selves when it comes to sending tracks and promoting themselves.

7. What, in general, means Detroit for you?

Detroit techno = machines with soul.

8. What are you currently working on?

Currently working a few tracks, getting a demo together and hopefully release something soon.

9. What are your future plans?

I’ll have a mix cd on Statik Entertainment coming out at the end of January, it’s their 15th birthday so i was asked by Schubert to put together a mix of Statik’s releases. I also have a gig in Madrid dj’ing for my friends Pablo and Wil of Session Elements who are putting on some class nights there. And that’s it for the moment.

Hier nun der Mix:
Leonid – Keep It Deep Guest Mix by keep-it-deep

Und die Tracklist:

1. Metro Juice Records 001 (Entry Plug Ep)
2. Continuous Mode – Direct Out Mode (Chain Reaction)
3. STL – Moonwalk (Something)
4. Echtzeit – B2 (Melted Recordings)
5. Behind the Dancefloor – Lowtec (Out to Lunch)
6. The Godson – Sould Edge Ep Part 2 (Still Music)
7. D1 Recordings 049 – Baiyon (Eamonn Doyle Remix) / released date: March 1 2010
8. Two Tribes Project – War Song (Prescription Records)
9. Hot Lizard – 165 Drop (Pure Science Mix) (Pacific Records)
10. Quiet Daze – Viewing a Decade Ep (Transmat)
11. Reade Truth – Crimen Excepta Ep (Planet E)
12. Gauss – Estructuras Primarias (Stereophonic Elefant Dance Recordings)
13. Iridite Productions présents – Electron Music (Iridite)

Mehr im Web:

Leonid @ MySpace
Statik Entertainment @ MySpace
Patrice Scott / Sistrum Recordings @ MySpace