Sechzig Sekunden mit Karizma

Sechzig Sekunden, eine Minute. Im Grunde nicht viel Zeit, und dennoch ausreichend, um etwas über sich zu erzählen, anderen einen kleinen Einblick in seine Gedankenwelt zu geben, dort wo das Leben ist. Kris Klayton a.k.a. Karizma hat sich für Gilles Peterson die Zeit genommen.


If I weren’t talking to you right now I’d be…

Answer: Working on my album, or listening to some new sounds.

I wish people would take more notice of…

Answer: Good music, good food and good health practices.

To me music is…

Answer: A song that can strike a chord in your heart,that a human couldn’t touch. A sequence of events that explain your life summed up in 2-8 mins. Hearing my niece’s voice.

The most surprising thing that happened to me was…

Answer: My existance in the dj/production world, I knew I would be involved in music somehow

but I didn’t think I would ever get anybody to notice me.

The ideal night out is…

Answer: A gin and tonic, good music by a good dj or band and a dance or two with my friends

The tune that would get me grooving is…

Answer: Too many to name right now,but I would have to say one of em’ is the Izmabad Unreleased Remix of 4 Hero’s “Look Inside”

In another life I’d have been…

Answer:A violin, I love strings.
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