Karl Spackler – Keep It Deep Guest Mix

Welches sind die Länder und Städte, die einem unmittelbar sofort in den Sinn kommen, wenn von House, Techno und sonstiger elektronischer Clubmusik die Rede ist? London, Zürich und Berlin, Chicago, Detroit und New York werden mit Sicherheit unter den Ersteinfällen vorhanden sein. Wer in letzter Zeit etwas öfters in die Groove oder de:bug reingeschaut hat, kann sich womöglich noch an Frankfurt / Rhein-Main, Essen / Ruhrgebiet, Glasgow / Edinburgh erinnern.

Kanada werden, so mutmasse ich, hingegen nur sehr wenige auf ihrer musikalischen Landkarte eingetragen haben – mit Ausnahme einiger bärtiger Disco-Käuze, die um den derzeitigen Aufenthaltsort des Slo-Mo House und Disco-Dons Eddie C Bescheid wissen (http://keep-it-deep.blogspot.com/2009/10/eddie-c-keep-it-deep-guest-mix.html). In diesem Land geht jedoch noch sehr viel mehr, auch abseits des derzeit grossen Aufsehens um die auch auf diesem Blog vorgestellten unbestritten talentierten Beatbastler. Einer, der sich seit Jahren im Untergrund der baldigen Olympiastadt mit Leidenschaft und grosser Liebe für House in allen seinen Erscheinungsformen einsetzt, ist Michael Mike Boland a.k.a. Karl Spackler. Wer er ist, was ihn umtreibt, erzählt er am besten selbst:

1. Dear Karl, would you like to introduce yourself?

My name’s Mike Boland, aka Karl Spackler. I was born and raised in the Yukon in northern Canada. I’m 35 years old and live in Vancouver.

2. When did your initial music spark ignite?

Very early. My folks were both from New York and had pretty diverse tastes musically. They had an amazing record collection and there was always music on in my house growing up. As far as dance music goes, I guess my cousin introduced me to it (house) in New York in the summer of 1988. Can’t say I was totally wild about it although I’d always been into New Wave and alternative sounds. I was more of a banger at that time but he loved the shit out of it. After that, it was always on the radar but it wasn’t until I lived in a ski town called Whistler that I really caught the bug. My roommate Murph was a hip hop dj and I used to mess around with his gemini turntables. One night we went to one of the local clubs, a place called Tommy Africa’s and this chick Little T was playing deep house. I was like ‘What the hell is this?” After that I started going to a lot of super fun parties and getting more into music. Then I moved to Victoria, where I bumped into an old buddy from the Yukon who was a dj and it just went from there. That was around 95-96 which was an amazing time in Victoria in regards to dance music. Spencer Drennan was just starting his label itiswhatitis. Mathew Jonson and Cobblestone Jazz were just getting rolling and Jason Lev was doing his disco thing as well. There were tons of wicked parties all the time and some very gifted locals.

3. Who are your most important influences?

Definitely my friends over the years. The guys who mentored me. In Victoria it was Spencer and my old buddy Smokin’ Mike. He was tight with Jason Lev and was a WICKED house dj. Unfortunately, his life went kind of sideways for a while and he stopped playing.
I had a residency in Seoul, Korea at a killer little club called Haranya with a british guy named Andy Newton who was an awesome house dj and a great person to learn from. Up until that point I’d just been a guy buying records who messed around with mixing a little bit (not very well either). The opportunity came up to move to Seoul so I brought my records. My roommate over there, Robb Harker was fairly instrumental in getting the scene going in Korea and he just threw me right into the clubs. Trial by fire for sure. After that, I ended up in Tokyo where I had a residency at a place called Juno Lounge with this awesome old school house dj from New Jersey named Jay Sample. Actually we both dj’d in strip clubs together as our main gig. He was another great person to learn from and he taught me a lot. Plus I played a lot of parties and clubs over there as well. More recently a good buddy who I do a monthly party with here in Vancouver named Nick Redway. He’s awesome.

4. How would you describe your own style?

It really fluctuates. I try not to get too stuck on any one genre although I’ve always been deeply rooted in house, disco and techno. The most important thing for me is that it’s got to be emotional and emotive. I don’t care what genre it is but if it gives me goose bumps and makes the hairs stand up on my arm then I’ll buy it.

5. Did you already produce some tracks / are you getting into prodution too?

I’ve messed around a bit with some basic stuff. Nothing major but I’m definitely moving in that direction and would like to make more of my own music or collaborate with other people.

6. What are your future plans?

Keep on rockin’. Enjoy life with my wife and daughter. Hopefully get back over to Asia for some gigs. I’d love to go to Europe. That’s big on the list. My other passions are photography and writing so I’m just going to follow all three of them to wherever they might lead.

Hier geht’s endlich auch zum Mix:

Tracklist Side A

1) Glenn Underground presents The Soul Survivors – Ease Your Mind (Touch Down Mix) – Pan 2) Daddy’s Favourite – I Feel Good Things For You (Kevin Yost mix) – Go Beat Records

3) Abacus – In Love (Classic Instrumental Mix) – Guidance

4) Taravhonty – Join Hands (Instrumental) – Big Beat

5) Alisha – Baby Talk (Instrumental Dub) – Vanguard

6) Nancy Martinez – So Excited (Instrumental) – Matra

7) MK Feat. Alana – Always (Underground Mix) – Active Records

8) Chez Damier – I Never Knew Love (Made In Detroit Mix) – KMS

9) House Proud People – Lonely Disco Dancer (Chris Simmonds Original Mix) – Cross Section

10) Jodeci – Freek’n You (MK Dub) – MCA Records

11) The Trojan Horse feat. 69 Mercedes – Years of Pressure (Greene Street Dub) – Downtown 161

Tracklist Side B

1) Luke Hess – There is Hope – FXHE 

2) Filippo Moscatello – Kleinmond (James Flavour Chez Blunts Remix) – Mood Music 

3) Delano Smith – Truth – Third Ear 

4) SoulPhiction – Who To Call – Philpot 

5) Dixie Yuree – Disk That You Paint – Nordik Net Records 

6) Maik Loewen – Black Paper – Niveous Tracks 

7) Filippo Moscatello – Kleinmond (Taras Van de Voord Remix) – Mood Music 

8) Edward – Calm – White 

9) Lord of the Isles – Ultraviolet – Unsigned

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P.S. Nächste Woche geht’s hier weiter mit neuem Material auf Endless Flight, der neuen Workshop sowie Tiger & Woods.
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